General Terms of Use (GTU)

Last updated: March 29, 2024

Please read these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "TOU") carefully before using this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") operated by CosyTrials (hereinafter referred to as "the Company").

By accessing or using the Site in any way, you agree to be bound by these TOU. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of these TOU, then you are not authorized to access or use the Site.

Site Access and Account Security

We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Site, and any services or materials we provide on the Site, at our sole discretion and without notice. We will not be liable if, for any reason, all or any part of the Site is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to parts or all of the Site to users, including registered users.

It is your responsibility to:

Making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the Site.

Ensuring that all persons accessing the Site through your Internet connection are aware of and comply with these Terms of Use.

In order to access the Site or certain of its resources, you may be required to provide certain registration details or other information. Use of the Site is subject to the accuracy, currency and completeness of any information you provide on the Site.

You agree that all information you provide to register on this Site or otherwise, including, but not limited to, through the use of any interactive features on the Site, is governed by our Privacy Policy, and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Access to CosyTrials SaaS

Access to CosyTrials Software as a Service (SaaS) is subject to additional terms and conditions that will be specified in the separate service agreement. Use of the SaaS is also governed by these GTC.

Intellectual Property Rights

The Site and its contents, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, videos, logos and source code, are the exclusive property of CosyTrials or its licensors and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws. You agree not to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, modify or transmit any portion of the Site without the prior written permission of CosyTrials.


The Company's name and logo are registered trademarks. You may not use these marks without the prior written consent of the Company. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans appearing on this Site are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Changes to the Site 

We may update the content of this Site from time to time, but the content is not necessarily complete or current. The content of the Site may be out of date at any time and we are under no obligation to update it.

Use of the Site

By using this Site, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and you also agree not to:

- Use the Site in any way that may compromise its security or integrity, or otherwise interfere with its normal operation.

- Use the Site to transmit any unlawful, defamatory, obscene, offensive or otherwise objectionable material.

- Attempt to access parts of the Site to which you are not authorized or attempt to gain unauthorized access to accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Site.

- Use the Site for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of CosyTrials.

In addition, you agree not to:

Use the Site in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage or impair the Site or interfere with any other party's use of the Site, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Site.

Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access the Site for any purpose, including to monitor or copy the content of the Site.

Use any manual process to monitor or copy any material on the Site, or for any other purpose not expressly permitted in these Terms of Use, without our prior written consent.

Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Site.

Introduce viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or any other malicious or technologically harmful material.

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any portion of the Site, the server on which the Site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Site.

Attack the Site by means of a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Attempt in any other way to interfere with the proper working of the Site

Warranty disclaimer

You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the Internet or the Site will be free of viruses or other destructive code. It is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and checkpoints to meet your particular requirements for virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and to maintain a means external to our Site for any reconstruction of lost data. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other property on account of your use of the Site or any service or material obtained through the Site or your downloading of any material posted on the Site or any Site linked to it.

Use of the Site, its content and any services or materials obtained through the Site is at your own risk. The Site, its content and any services or materials obtained through the Site are provided "as is" and "as available", without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Neither the company nor any person associated with the company makes any warranty or representation regarding the completeness, security, reliability, quality, accuracy or availability of the Site. without limiting the foregoing, neither the company nor any person associated with the company represents or warrants that the Site, its content or any service or item obtained through the Site will be accurate, reliable, error-free or uninterrupted, that defects will be corrected, that our Site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components or that the Site or any service or item obtained through the Site will meet your needs or expectations.

Links to the Site and social media functions

You may link to our home page, provided that you do so in a fair and lawful manner and do not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part.

You agree to cooperate with us in causing any unauthorized framing or linking to cease immediately. We reserve the right to withdraw permission to link without notice.

We may disable any or all social media features and links at any time and without notice, at our discretion.

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will CosyTrials be liable to you or any other party for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of your use of or inability to use the Site, even if CosyTrials has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Modification of the GTU

CosyTrials reserves the right to modify these GTU at any time. Any modification will be effective as soon as it is published on the Site. By continuing to access or use the Site after such modifications, you agree to be bound by the modified TOU.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

These GCU shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these TOU shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Montpellier, France.

Time limit for filing claims

Any cause of action or claim you may have arising out of or related to these TOU or the Site must be filed within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, such cause of action or claim is forever barred.

Geographical restrictions

The owner of the Site is based in France. We make no representation that the Site or its content are accessible or appropriate outside of France. Access to the Site may not be permitted to certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Site from outside France, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

Waiver and Severability

No waiver by the Company of any term or condition set forth in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and the failure of the Company to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent permissible so that the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect.

Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall the Company, its affiliates or their licensors, service providers, employees, agents, officers or directors be liable for any damages whatsoever, under any legal theory, arising out of your use of or inability to use the Site, any websites linked to the Site, any content on the Site or such other websites or any services or items obtained through the Site or such other websites, or in connection therewith, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, personal injury, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of goodwill, loss of data, and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable.

The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, licensors and service providers, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, costs or fees (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to your breach of these Terms of Use or your use of the Site, including, but not limited to, [your User Contributions], any use of the Site's content, services and products other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Use, or your use of any information obtained from the Site.

Entire agreement

The Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy constitute the entire and only agreement between you and CosyTrials with respect to the Site. They supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the Site.

Legal information

CosyTrials is a company registered in France under the SIRET number 97923032300029. Its head office is located at 10 Place Françoise Héritier, 34000 Montpellier.

Director of publication: Paul Andrieu

Site host: OVH

For all correspondence, please contact CosyTrials at the following address:


10 Place Françoise Héritier

34000 Montpellier


E-mail address:


If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at